The Critical Need for More Natural Gas Pipelines in the United States

The United States urgently requires expanded natural gas pipeline infrastructure to ensure reliable supply during extreme cold weather events. That is the urgent call from federal energy regulators and industry groups, who warn that without more capacity, regions are at risk of severe gas shortages or even system collapse.

The risks became apparent during the 2022 Winter Storm Elliott, which triggered widespread power outages and supply disruptions.

Why More Capacity is Needed

According to regulators and pipeline operators, the Elliott storm highlighted how vulnerable the current system is:

  • Soaring demand for gas for heating and electric generation exceeded what pipelines could deliver.
  • Falling gas production meant less gas entering the pipeline system.
  • As a result, pipeline pressures dropped dangerously low, putting them at risk of failure.

This forced operators to implement restrictions like:

  • Reducing confirmed nominations for transport
  • Scheduling reductions

In New York City, Consolidated Edison warned of a potential months-long disruption if its system collapsed.

“The United States needs more natural gas pipeline capacity to maintain a resilient system,” stated the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA).

Regional Gas Pipeline Capacity Deficits

Not all regions have the same pipeline capacity.

The regions most vulnerable to shortages include:

  • Midwest
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Northeast

Prolonged cold snaps could severely threaten their access to adequate fuel supplies for homes and power generation.

Benefits of Expanding Capacity

Constructing more pipelines offers many economic and environmental advantages:

  • Prevent deadly power outages during extreme weather
  • Lower natural gas costs for consumers and industries
  • Support renewable energy growth that depends on gas for backup
  • Reduce greenhouse emissions by displacing coal and oil

Challenges Facing Expansion Projects

However, major obstacles must also be overcome:

  • Permitting/approvals from federal, state and local authorities
  • Financing to secure pipeline contracts and shipper commitments
  • Opposition from environmentalists and landowners
  • Construction risks from technical and operational issues

Nexa Pipe’s Innovative Pipeline Solutions

As the United States moves to enhance energy reliability and security, Nexa Pipe can play a key role through its innovative offerings:

  • Flexible, durable pipes that perform reliably across extreme temperatures
  • Relining technology to quickly restore existing pipes without new trenching
  • Anti-corrosion coatings for enhanced longevity and integrity
  • High pressure capacity to meet soaring seasonal demand
  • Custom solutions purpose-built for critical gas infrastructure

With versatile manufacturing capabilities for new and existing pipelines, Nexa Pipe has solutions ready to expand capacity and prevent severe shortages.

As the data shows, lack of adequate pipeline infrastructure threatens energy reliability in key US regions. While expanding capacity facesobstacles, the advantages make this investment urgent. Nexa Pipe stands ready to partner in modernizing America’s natural gas pipelines.

How Nexa Pipe Can Help Overcome Capacity Shortfalls

As an innovative pipeline infrastructure company, Nexa Pipe is uniquely positioned to help expand capacity in regions facing winter gas supply vulnerabilities.

Our unique manufacturing technology enables cost-efficient construction of new pipelines with less environmental impact. Key advantages include:

  • 500-meter segments jointed in-field, reducing welding and allowing faster installation through all terrains
  • Thin, flexible walls maximize flow rates and throughput volumes compared to alternatives
  • Anti-corrosion coatings enhance pipeline integrity and longevity
  • High pressure rating across wide temperature range provides supply even in extreme cold
  • Relining existing pipes quickly enhances capacity without new trenches

For example, Nexa Pipe’s relining could rapidly boost Northeast transportation capacity by 10-15% per pipeline. And purpose-built long segments avoid environmental disturbance for new routing.

When it comes to resilience for reliable winter supply, Nexa Pipe solutions offer:

  • Speed – capacity online within months using relining
  • Scale – in-field joints create pipelines of any length
  • Security – corrosion resistance prevents leaks
  • Flow – thin walls and smooth surfaces increase throughput

As America invests in energy infrastructure, Nexa Pipe stands ready to help architect the next generation of pipelines. Our 21st century innovations can overcome regional capacity deficits and protect citizens from deadly shortages. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with regulators and industry on this urgent challenge.

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